
Improve Your Diet With Fresh Meat Delivered To Your Door

With truLOCAL, you don’t need to choose between quality and convenience. Have the best fresh, local meat delivered to your door, anywhere in Ontario or Alberta!

How Fresh Meat Delivery Is Part Of A Healthy Lifestyle


The data is unambiguous: one of the biggest differences between Millennials and older generations lies in their diet — across North America, younger people are proving to be more health conscious and more concerned about eating well than their parents. But Millennials are also more squeezed for time than previous generations, and this has made it difficult for many younger shoppers to regularly stock up on the fresh ingredients that provide the basis for any healthy diet.


Research has shown time and again that home cooking is essential to healthy eating, but home cooking means planning ahead and shopping for groceries. For young people often rushing between commitments, it is often easier to just pick something up on the go — which generally means eating fatty, calorie-rich and nutrient-poor fast food. Millennials want to eat better, but in the 21st century it is difficult to actually make the switch.


This is one of the reasons grocery delivery services are becoming more popular. Delivery services can play an important role in building a healthier diet because they ensure that the basic ingredients are waiting for you at home. Knowing that everything you need to make a delicious chicken risotto is already sitting in your fridge makes it a lot easier to resist the greasy burger joint down the street, which is why grocery delivery — and fresh meat delivery in particular — is playing an important role in helping Millennials eat better.


But the benefit of fresh meat delivery is not just about having better access to groceries: it also has to do with the quality of the meat being delivered. People are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that not all meat is equally good for you, and this has led to a growing interest in beef, pork, and chicken that has been raised in more natural and healthy ways.


truLOCAL aspires to offer the best meat delivery not only by providing quick, flexible service, but also by making it easier for people to improve their health and lifestyle by buying the best quality local meat. All of truLOCAL’s meat is sourced from local producers committed to sustainable and healthy farming practices, like Townsend Butchers, Caudle’s Catch, Beverly Creek Farms, West Grey Premium Beef, Hidden Root Farm, and Artisan Farms, so with truLOCAL you can have the best of the country delivered to your door no matter where you live. 


truLOCAL’s commitment to providing the best quality meat also means we now offer grass-fed beef. In addition to the many health benefits of grass fed beef — in addition to being leaner, it is also richer in nutrients and vitamins — it is more environmentally friendly and sustainable, which is another reason why it has become so popular among conscientious eaters. Most beef cows spend the early part of their life on pasturage before being moved to a feedlot to be fattened up before butchering.


While this allows farmers to produce fatter, heavier cattle, it comes at a cost — gram-for-gram, feedlot-finished beef is higher in calories than grass-fed beef, and it has only about a fifth of the omega-3 fatty acids found in beef raised purely on pasturage. Omega-3s play an important role in reducing the risk of heart disease (as well as offering numerous other health benefits), so eating grass-fed beef that is rich in omega-3s is a good way to maintain good heart health without giving up those juicy steaks or sizzling burgers.

Posted on July 19th, 2021