Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast

  • 1 Breast

Is there a more versatile cut than a boneless, skinless chicken breast? We don’t think so. It can adapt to any cooking style, be prepared using almost any cooking method, and does not have a bold flavour to interfere with whatever recipe you have planned. These chicken breasts are from our friends at Marc Caron Farms who raise their chickens locally on vegetarian diets, without using any hormones or steroids, and hand-cut and air-chill their chicken. Chicken breasts are lean, white meat but if you are looking for dark chicken meat, you should try our chicken thighs or if you want the best of both, you should get the whole chicken.

COOKING TIP: You can cook chicken breasts in so many different ways: oven, barbecue, frying pan, or wok. We like chicken breasts to make pulled chicken for sandwiches or fajitas. To make it, cook the chicken in chicken broth, about a cup per breast, with some quartered onions and smashed garlic. Cook on medium heat to bring it to a boil, partially cover, turn the heat to low, and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the internal temperature of each breast reaches 165°F. Grab two forks and pull the chicken apart and add your favourite sauce. Eat this as is, in a tortilla, or on a bun topped with coleslaw.

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