Chicken Drumsticks

  • 5 drumsticks

When we think of Southern fried chicken, we picture a golden drumstick with a crispy coating and tender dark meat inside. A drumstick might be the quintessential cut for fried chicken or any other hand-held dish - and why not? The bone that runs through it keeps it moist while cooking and easy to hold on to. The drumstick is located on the lower part of a chicken leg, from the knee to the ankle, and has less meat than the thigh but is easier to hold and is packed flavour. Our drumsticks are from our friends at Marc Caron Farms who locally raise their chickens on a vegetarian diet, without using any hormones or steroids, and they hand-cut and air-chill their chicken. 


COOKING TIP: Drumsticks are very versatile and can be deep-fried, grilled, or cooked in the oven. We love them dredged in egg and seasoned flour and deep-fried to add texture but we also love them coated in barbecue sauce and grilled to add a smoky flavour. You really can’t go wrong with drumsticks as long as you get the internal temperature up to 165°F and have napkins ready.


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