Turkey Breast

  • 2 pieces

Okay, we admit that a lot of people think of thanksgiving when they hear turkey, but these moist turkey breasts are so good, you'll want to eat them any day of the year. These breasts are from Leavoy Rowe, a co-op of Ontario farmers who raise their birds without any antibiotics or growth supplements. Both turkey and chicken breasts are filled with great protein and minerals but turkey breasts are slightly leaner and larger than chicken breasts. That means that turkey has less fat but can also dry out if overcooked.

COOKING TIP: To keep your turkey from drying out, use a meat thermometer and cook in an oven at a lower temperature like 325. If you have a smoker, even better! Smoke the turkey breast at 225‚ for about an hour. No matter how you cook it, aim to get the internal temperature to 165‚ and serve it with coleslaw, mashed potatoes, and green beens sauteed with some bacon. This is even better than Thanksgiving!

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