Turkey Breast

  • 2 Turkey breast portions

Turkey’s not just for special occasions like Thanksgiving! Turkey should be served any day of the year because it is flavourful, high in protein, and extremely low in fat that. Wondering how turkey is different from chicken? Turkey’s leaner and larger than chicken so these breasts are a real treat for anyone who loves white meat. Our boneless turkey breasts come from Ferme Avibross who only use 100% vegetable grain feed with no growth hormones, antibiotics, or animal by-products. 


COOKING TIP: Turkey breasts are a great way to get turkey without having to spend a whole day cooking a large whole bird. Turkey is lean and very similar to chicken so it can be substituted in any recipe calling for chicken breast. If you want to keep them tender and juicy, we recommend cooking these turkey breasts in the oven or smoker. How do you know when it's done? Look for the internal temperate to reach 165°F and you’ll know its cooked. Soon you’ll see that you shouldn’t wait until Thanksgiving to enjoy turkey!

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