Grass-Fed Stewing Beef

  • 1 Pack of stewing beef

Stews are perfect for those days when you want to curl up with a book and let dinner cook all day long with minimal effort but still want a flavourful, filling meal that’s ready just in time for dinner. Great stews can vary in flavour or veggies but they always start with great meat. Our stewing beef is made from grass-fed and finished beef brisket that is cut into perfectly stew-sized chunks. Grass-fed beef is leaner, firmer, higher in antioxidants and vitamins, and has twice as many omega-3 fatty acids as grain-finished beef. Our stewing beef comes from Ferme d’ORée who raises high-quality, sustainably responsible beef without the use of antibiotics, hormones, or synthetic pesticides.


COOKING TIP: As mentioned, our stewing beef is made of brisket, a type of meat that benefits time to cook slowly at a low temperature to transform into tender, flavourful, and juicy bites of heaven. That is PERFECT for making stews! We recommend searing on each side before adding in stock (or water) to the beef- it truly makes all the difference to creating a flavourful stew. Add in some veggies, maybe some tomato paste, and a bay leaf or two. Now go find a book to read while it cooks. Dinner should always be this easy.

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