Korean Style Short Ribs (Miami Ribs)

  • 2 lbs of Short Ribs

West Grey Premium Beef brings you Korean style beef short ribs from the Durham region – just north of Kitchener, Ontario. Known as "galbi" (which translates from Korean to "ribs"), these are thinly sliced pieces of meat cut cross-wise through the rib bones. That's how you get the meat attached to the cross-sections of the bone. The marbled, bone-in nature of this cut makes them extra flavourful and are a frequent truLOCAL staff pick as "favourite product."

COOKING TIP: You'll need to plan a bit in advance for these to get the most flavour in each bite. Marinate them in a mixture of soy sauce, scallions, brown sugar, garlic and ginger paste, sesame oil, and pepper for at least 2 hours (or even overnight). Trust us, it's worth it. Galbi is made for grilling with its large surface area. But they cook super fast so 1-2 minutes on a hot grill will do the trick. Now you can polish the meat right off the bones.

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