Chicken Apricot Breakfast Sausage

Pioneer Butchery & Charcuterie's first all chicken sausage made from Alberta natural poultry. From breakfast to dinner, these versatile sausages shine. The sweet nectareous flavour of the apricot is perfectly complimented by the subtle earthy taste of the alpine herbs. Kids and adults alike will love these sausages. We cannot wait for you to experience this delightful blend of flavours for yourself. Pan fried or barbequed these chicken and apricots sausages do not disappoint. Pioneer Butchery & Charcuterie has combined time tested methods with innovative ideas and flavours to create a distinct and exciting line of products. All Pioneer products are made gluten free.

COOKING TIP: Do not overthink the seasonings on this one since it's already brimming with deliciousness. Place frozen sausages in skillet on medium heat. Brown them on all sides until they are cooked to an internal temperature of 165F. Let rest for a couple of minutes prior to serving. Pair with delicious farm fresh eggs and hashbrowns. Enjoy!

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