Wild-Caught Haidacore Tuna

  • 1 Piece of Tuna

Compared to other types of deep red or pale pink tuna like bluefin or ahi tuna, albacore tuna has the lightest coloured flesh and the mildest flavour. This wild-caught, sashimi-grade albacore tuna from Organic Ocean Seafood are sustainably caught in BC. Albacore tuna is an incredible source of omega-3 fatty acids and a great way to add lean protein to your meals. 

COOKING TIP: A brush of soy sauce and a gentle sear on both sides is really all you need for this melt-in-your-mouth fish. Since it's sushi-grade, you can (and should) enjoy this albacore tuna medium rare. Squeeze some lemon on top and serve it with a fresh salad with a ginger-sesame dressing. 

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